A Quiet Place
In a devastated Earth overrun by invincible predators of a possible extraterrestrial origin, the Abbotts find themselves struggling to survive in the isolation of upstate New York, defined by a new era of utter silence. Indeed, as this new type of invader is attracted to noise, even the slightest of sounds can be deadly; however, it's been already twelve months since the powerful monsters' first sightings, and this resilient family still stands strong. Of course, learning the rules of survival in this muted dystopia is essential; nevertheless, now, of all times, an otherwise joyous event puts in jeopardy the already fragile stability. And now, more than ever, the Abbotts must not make a sound. âNick Riganas
Emily Blunt,
John Krasinski,
Millicent Simmonds
John Krasinski
United States
Duration: 90
Quality: 01
Release: 2018
IMDb: 7.5